Dr Dorothy Chilambe Lombe, MD, MMed Radiation Oncology, FC Rad Onc CMSA (SA)
Email: dorothy.lombe@gmri.org.nz
Dr Lombe is a practicing radiation oncologist in Palmerston North and an experienced clinical and health systems researcher. She has a keen interest in investigating the poor clinical outcomes she sees in the clinic at a cellular level in the lab and hopes to contribute to some solutions.
Dorothy joined the Gillies McIndoe Research Institute as a part-time PhD student in 2023. Dorothy’s research interests are cancer recurrence pathways, contemporary concepts of radiobiology and targeting the renin-angiotensin system with repurposed drugs in glioblastoma. Her PhD research will focus on glioblastoma multiforme - proteomics, lipidomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics following irradiation of glioblastoma tumours to elicit resistant pathways.
Originally from Zambia, Dorothy studied medicine in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. She completed a Master of Medicine (MMED) in Radiation Oncology at Stellenbosh University in South Africa whilst pursuing a Fellowship. She then undertook a clinical research fellowship focusing on brachytherapy in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
Outside of work, Dorothy enjoys swimming, running and biking.
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